Gut Check: Saying No – Beach Property

Our last real estate investment was being renovated in the fall of 2021, Property #6, just months after my son was born. The conclusion of that project warrants another post so it will be in the pipeline. Since then, a few properties came across our research, but we ultimately said “no,” to these alleged deals. This post looks at the […]

The Mama in MsFIRE Mama

The title of this blog is MsFIRE Mama. It’s deliberate. When I first started fantasizing about what my life would look like financially free, the focus was on travel. When I became a mother, a lot of things came to the surface that I expected, and then some that I didn’t. I expected to struggle with work-life balance and I didn’t expect that figuring out what kind of mom I wanted to be would be difficult to pinpoint.